Who we are?

A group of professionals from within the Nova Scotia Muslim community, volunteering to provide advocacy for the needs of Muslim children/youth who require out of home care.

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Our Vision

Our vision is for a Muslim community that embraces its most vulnerable members by ensuring foster care or alternative placements for children/youth that keeps them connected to their faith and culture, and fulfils their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs.

Our Mission

To promote awareness & community engagement for Alternative Family Care, fostering & adoption among Nova Scotia Muslim community. To support Muslim children/youth & families, streamline access to resources & community assistance.

Make a difference

Become a foster family

you can apply as a foster family 

Alternative care placement family

Apply as Alternative care placement family

Become a volunteer

Be a part of our family.

Fostering Crisis in Canada

There is a current crisis for Muslim children taken into care in Canada and specifically Nova Scotia- they need your help now!

Why is there a crisis of foster families in Nova Scotia?

There are many reasons that have led to the foster crisis in Canada. There is a large strain on the system due to an increase of Muslim children who require foster care and there not being enough Muslim families in NS. Additionally, the lack of awareness plays a large role as many people are not aware of the ongoing needs for foster families as well as the process of applying to become a foster parent/family.

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Fostering, Adoption & Alternative Family Care

Foster care, adoption and alternative placement are all forms of care provided to children who cannot live with their biological parents or guardians, but they differ in their legal and familial relationships.

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Muslim Foster Care Association (MFA)

To learn more about the fostering crisis within the Muslim community in Canada and its impact on Muslim families, children & youth, please watch this video